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Step-by-Step Animation of the Iconic B26 Marauder MK 1000 705 admin

Step-by-Step Animation of the Iconic B26 Marauder MK

This is a animation from some steps I took to develop this illustration Below some history about B26. The Martin B-26…

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The fastest high-speed bomber that never flew 1024 662 admin

The fastest high-speed bomber that never flew

Bomber B was a German military aircraft design competition organised just before the start of World War II to develop…

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MiG-17s: Deadly Interceptors Designed to Stop Bombers in Their Tracks 1000 714 admin
Aviation art - MiG17

MiG-17s: Deadly Interceptors Designed to Stop Bombers in Their Tracks

MiG-17s were designed to intercept straight-and-level-flying enemy bombers, not for air-to-air combat (dogfighting) with other fighters. This subsonic (.93 Mach) fighter…

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