Do you know what Aviation art is? (#2) 150 150 admin

Do you know what Aviation art is? (#2)

In the last post about what aviation art is, I wrote a few words about it.
But there are other points I would like to highlight here.
In order – what would be necessary to be an aviation artist or which areas could him or her work with.

First let me tell few words regarding to become an aviation artist.
Just like the other artists it is not necessary to be graduated to work as one but it helps a lot, mainly, if you are graduated in Art area, or your graduation hold any subject related to art history.

Pablo Picasso Cubism
Pablo Picasso – CubismCamille Pissarro
Camille Pissarro – Imressionismhyper-realism
Magda Torres Gurza – hyper-realism

It will, for sure, improve your knowledge regarding to the art movements, the way it was represented (e.g. lines, sketches, brushes movement…), why and when it happened and who took part of it at the time. Consequently you will have basis to choose the approach you will give to your paint.

Of course, you can also learn it by yourself, researching in books and in the internet, in this last alternative do it in as many sites as possible just to certify your references. Another way, is to do it in a credible site like sites from universities or academical sites.

One thing I can tell, for sure, is that it is not easy be an artist. You will need to work a lot and hard to gain a place in this world.

Well, but where or to whom can we work to. It will depend in what you are searching for.
For example you can choose work in education/information area by illustrating book covers or some inside text (it would be the same for magazines or bookazines). So, you would be working for a publishing area.Luftwaffe Secret Project Profiles Luftwaffe Secret Project Profiles
Bookazine cover

You could do cover boxes for scale models, no matter if they do resin kit or plastic molded injection, or who even knows for a design company who developed an entire promotional project that will need an art to give life to it.General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper, combat drone at Baghdad. Aviation Art Artist, Aviation Art illustrator, Aviation Art, General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper, combat drone at Baghdad – box cover

A very current area is games. There are many games companies that needs artist to illustrate for the games itself as well as for the marketing area to gain new customers and show off their new games speaking directly to their target Audience.

Another alternative are museums and military corporations. They ask this kind of work for many reasons. It can be a framework to compose any exhibition, a framework to be given as a prize in a contest or just as a gift for some celebrity.
Or maybe to be used in some printed publication as a catalog.
Certainly, In the museum and military field the historical approach will be really required. I mean all other previous written area they do need it too, but in this case probably will be asked to represent a historical scene with a real situation that happened. Consequently, a lot of research will be needed. Testimonies from people who take part of the event are welcome too.

Esquilo - Eurocopter Ecureuil

Esquilo – Eurocopter Ecureuil
private comissioned work

If none of the alternative shown until here you can simply do your art and sell it privately, just as many artists do.

Soon I’m going to write another text telling a little bit more about this theme.

See you ; )

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