Luftwaffe Geheim
It is available at Eqip.De and Amazon.De
Es ist verfügbar bei Eqip.De und Amazon.De
The Book
The main idea of the book is not only to show the Germans projects developed beteween 1939 and 1945, but relate them to the main changes in the aeronautical design and it’s reflection up to now in the civil and military area among other area.
A Some of the subjects of the book:
swept wing, swept back wings, growing wings,
tailless, V tail (butterfly tail), T tail,
parasite airplanes, vtol, flying wings,…
An important point is that, it is not a political book. It’s only about research and development.
Pages + Cover | full color
Our Customers Say
I found the book was excellently written and very easy to read , not too technical.
It has many Very good Illustrations and rare photos.
Many thanks
Paul McCullock
“…The book is illustrated with a combination of photos and Mr. Uhr’s artworks, in the style of Midland’s “Secret Projects” series.
I would say that at 166 pages and a lot of topics covered, the coverage on individual topics is rather brief at times, but the book is quite readable.
Mr. Lamas did the English translation and it is generally very good. Postwar developments of these technologies is described, and there is particular emphasis on Argentine activities, perhaps due to the nationality of the author.
The relationship of the Ta 183, MiG-15 and IAE Pulqui II is covered in some detail.
Is the book worth 29 Euros? That’s up to you to decide, but I was glad that I bought it. …”
“A book about the German developments and projects before and during WWII is not an exception. Midland Publishing supplies a complete series (Luftwaffe Secret Projects), while other publishers have also done their bit.
But now German publisher Eqip, known for their authoritative books on gliding and sailplane history (Sailplanes-series), has produced a book that gives the subject a new twist. Unlike other books, which tend to list all ‘old’ German projects, with all kinds of derivatives, the authors of ‘Luftwaffe confidential’ start out with a limited amount of designs and then explain how these designs have inspired and influenced modern aircraft design.
The book goes deep into the different subjects, but never becomes tedious; the use of the English language is smooth and correct, but not complicated.
A pleasant surprise about this book is that even people knowledgeable about its subject find new information. The history of the Horten ‘flying wings’ is extensively discussed – also what happened after WWII. It is often assumed Horten quite after 1945 with the development and construction of the flying wings, but in Argentina a quite remarkable ‘restart’ was made.
Horten began with the construction of gliders in Argentina, after 1945, but their ‘magnum opus’ was a four-engined cargo plane, specifically built to transport oranges from the Argentinian farmlands to its capital, the IAe 38 “Naranjero”. The single prototype made a total of four flights, but the project was shelved because only Argentinian power plants could be used, which were not powerful enough by a long shot.
The authors, two Brazilians, clearly show how modern aircraft are in many ways inspired by the German designs of the WWII-era. It must be said that some arguments are taken a bit to far of base: calling a Fokker G1 a “twin-fuselage” aircraft is stretching – single fuselage, twin tail boom, would be more accurate… Proof reading could also stand some improvement: at the Daimler-Benz Project A+F the text states it is a twin-engined aircraft, the illustration (same page) shows four engines.
All-in-all both the text and the illustrations of the book are of high quality; the price can only be called ‘very friendly’. For the connoisseurs the book is a nice addition to their collection, for those with a more general interest in aviation (history) this is the book to have on this subject.
So, despite a few quibbles, highly recommended!”
I simply love the innovative and sometimes even futuristic looked aircrafts that was planned being buildt in Germany during the second world war. In this book you find awesome images from the very gifted Daniel Uhr (despite his german name, he`s a Brazilian). This book is not only a mindblower – it is very easy on the eyes as well!
We can only hope that there will be another book with more images (as well as informative text) from Daniel Uhr and that soon!
Von Mk ultra
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