Heinkel He 343: The Powerful German Bomber Project 960 345 admin
Heinkel He 343

Heinkel He 343: The Powerful German Bomber Project

He 343A-1, which was to be the bomber version. Depending on the engines used, the bomb load ranged between 2000 kg to 3000 kg, with 2000 kg to be carried internally, and 1000 kg to be carried externally. Trials were to be held with the Fritz X radio controlled bomb, which would have also added a third view member. Defensive armament consisted of two fixed rear firing MG 151 20 mm cannon with 200 rounds each, which were mounted in the rear fuselage.

He 343A-2, the reconnaissance version, was to be similar to the A-1, except instead of a bomb load, two Rb 75/30 cameras were to be carried in the bomb bay, along with an additional fuel tank that held 2400 kg of fuel to extend the range. Two fixed rear firing MG 151 20 mm cannon with 200 rounds each, as in the A-1, were mounted in the rear fuselage for defensive fire purposes.

He 343A-3 was the first Zerstörer (Destroyer) version. The standard armament was to be four forward firing MK 103 30mm cannon with 400 rounds each, which were mounted in the bomb bay, or two forward firing MK 103 30mm cannon with 100 rounds each and two forward firing MG 151 20mm cannon with 200 rounds each. Weapons with calibers of up to 50 mm could be used, although all the forward firing guns had to be placed to fire from the starboard side under the fuselage nose, due to the nose wheel which retracted to the rear and was on the port side. Again, like the A-1 and A-2 variants, defensive armament consisted of two fixed rear firing MG 151 20 mm cannon with 200 rounds each, which were mounted in the rear fuselage.

He 343B-1, which was also to be a Zerstörer (Destroyer), the main difference was that instead of the two fixed rear firing guns in the fuselage rear, a FHL 151Z remote controlled turret was installed in the extreme rear fuselage. This necessitated a tail redesign to a twin fin and rudder set up. A rear facing periscope in the cockpit was used to aim the FHL 151Z turret, which was armed with two MG 151 20mm cannon. The twin tail would have made for extended flight testing, plus would have added additional weight and drag.

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